Key statistics on business transfers in France: figures and trends to know

Statistiques clés sur la transmission d'entreprise en France : chiffres et tendances à connaître
Business succession is a crucial issue for the French economy. This complex process involves the transfer of ownership and management ...

Asset and liability guarantee: everything you need to know about this financial protection mechanism for companies

Garantie actif passif : tout savoir sur ce mécanisme de protection financière pour les entreprises
The Asset Liability Guarantee (ALG) is an essential financial mechanism for companies involved in M&A transactions. It offers invaluable protection ...

Intermediary remuneration and fees: a complete guide to optimizing your professional income

Rémunération intermédiaire et honoraires : guide complet pour optimiser vos revenus professionnels
Interim compensation and fees are crucial elements in the professional world. Whether you’re a consultant, real estate agent or broker, ...

Understanding business depreciation: tax and accounting issues for companies

Comprendre la dépréciation du fonds de commerce : enjeux fiscaux et comptables pour les entreprises
Business depreciation is a major issue for companies, both from a tax and accounting point of view. This concept, essential ...

Asset and liability warranties: definition, issues and importance in transactions

La clause de garantie d'actif et de passif : définition, enjeux et importance dans les transactions
The Asset and Liability Guarantee (ALG) clause is a crucial element in business transactions. It protects the buyer against hidden ...

EBITDA multiplier: compare your company’s performance by industry sector

Coefficient multiplicateur EBE : comparaison par secteur d'activité pour valoriser votre entreprise
The EBITDA multiplier is a valuable tool for assessing a company’s value. This indicator, which varies according to business sector, ...

Digital transition for chartered accountants: technologies and strategies to modernize your practice

Transition numérique pour expert-comptable : technologies et stratégies pour moderniser votre cabinet
The chartered accountancy profession is undergoing a veritable revolution with the advent of digital technology. Accounting firms are having to ...

Statutory auditor’s mandate: role, duration and legal obligations for French companies

Mandat du commissaire aux comptes : rôle, durée et obligations légales pour les entreprises françaises
The mandate of the statutory auditor is an essential element in the governance of French companies. This independent professional plays ...

How to sell your accounting firm: a practical guide to a successful transaction

Comment vendre votre cabinet d'expertise comptable : guide pratique pour une transaction réussie
Selling an accounting firm is a crucial step in the career of a professional accountant. Whether you’re retiring, changing career ...

Taxation of business transfers: a complete guide to optimizing your transaction and reducing your taxes

Fiscalité de la cession d'entreprise : guide complet pour optimiser votre transaction et réduire vos impôts
Selling a business is a crucial step for any entrepreneur. It involves many financial aspects, of which taxation is a ...